Monday, August 3, 2020

Theme 11: Are You Leading With A Growth Mindset?

I’m currently rereading Mindset by Carol Dweck. This copy was given to me by Ben Wagstaff an awesome student from one one of the previous schools I led.

The ‘nuggets of greatness’ below relate to the chapter on Business: Mindset and Leadership.

Growth Mindset Leaders …..

* Have a belief in human potential and development, both their own and other people’s

* Welcome change and new ideas regardless of their source.

* Employ people with passion and a desire to get things done.

* Spend time on the ‘shop floor’ talking and listening to employees, observing practice and gathering feedback.

* Are not interested in elitism or personal status.

* Collaborate with employees regardless of their position to solve problems and make decisions

* Are tough but compassionate.

* Believe leadership is about growth and passion, not brilliance.

* Are full of gratitude.

* Give praise for taking initiative, for seeing a difficult task through, for struggling and learning something new, by being undaunted by a setback, for being open to and acting on criticism.

* Give a great deal more developmental coaching

* Present skills as learnable.

* Regularly convey that the organisation values learning and perseverance, not just ready-made genius or talent.

* Give feedback in a way that promotes learning and future success.

* Employ people with the potential to develop.

* Create organisations that prizes the development of ability.

* Don’t employ people who don’t believe in the organisation’s values.

* Reward teamwork rather than individual genius.

* Believe in personal growth and creating a culture that fosters this.

* Stay committed and don’t falter especially when leading is a challenge.

Reflective Questions to consider:

1. As a leader how are you currently developing a growth mindset in your organisation?

2. Are you helping people develop and reach their full potential?

3. How can you profit more from the feedback you get?

4. Are there ways you can develop more learning experiences for yourself?

If you would like to look at developing more growth mindset approaches in your organisation contact me. In the meantime, I recommend you read this inspiring book.

sean bailey managing director – company owner m +64 21 059 8305  e   christchurch new zealand  w

“Helping organisations thrive, by enabling and empowering leaders”

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